Last May, I visited the Whimsical Women spring show, held just west of Chapel Hill, NC. There I met many terrific artists, some I already knew. I just didn’t know they led secret lives–being members of this well known and wonderful organization. (Visit their blog at: Also, I spoke with Linda Palladino, one of the founders, showed her a photo of my cat fish, and described some of my other work. She decreed that I qualify as a Whimsical Woman! She could have said, Whacky, Way Out, Weird, even, but she said Whimsical–and I love that….
So I’ll be bringing my work to their Fall show, held November 21 on the farm of Luli Sanderford (Linda’s sister), in Winston-Salem. Rain date is November 22. Hope to see you there!
That’s me, 10th from the right–does the red skirt make me look fat? 😉
Seriously, if you’d like an invitation, email me at:
and I’ll e-mail or snail mail one to you.
I’ve been working on large pieces for Carolina Designer Craftsmen (which happens over Thanksgiving weekend), as well as a good sized piece for the 12 Days of Christmas show at Benjamin Vineyards, here in Saxapahaw, where we live. With Whimsical Women and another potential show (the latter later this month, yikes!), I just started making more small dogs and some teeny cat fish, which was so much fun.
It’s been a tough summer, what with the loss of our last horse and my father, but I have been plugging along with my art, as my father said he wanted me to do. I continue to think about him constantly, and have had the privilege of meeting many people along the way who have lost a parent. They assure me that my reaction is normal, and it will take time to feel like myself again.
Although I am thoroughly enjoying making the big pieces, they are challenging and require a lot of concentration. Not constantly–I do have periods of autopilot and spontaneity, but there is also plenty of brow furrowing. But last night was like a little vacation. I was grinning, laughing and, yes, even talking to the small dogs that were materializing from the little lumps of clay in my fingers. Great fun!
So, thank you, Linda–I hadn’t felt Whimsical for a while. You gave me a wonderful gift!