Posted by on Nov 8, 2009 in Blog | Comments Off on Further Updates on Bodyguard and Carolline and Grace

Well, I’ve been working like a…um…dog, so have not been keeping up with posting.

Bodyguard came out of the kiln with flying colors.  And so did Caroline and Grace!  Except that Caroline’s eyes were a little too flying–even with medium blue details, they were pale enough to still be creepy against black pupils.  I loved her hair color–wanted it to be pretty mousy.  But, it did not look good against Grace’s fur color.  So Caroline got a makeover–darker brown hair and brown eyes.  Hate the-people will think I am unimaginative.  Though it does make for a cohesive body of work! 
With a few more touch ups, Caroline and Grace will be ready for their second firing.
Then, on to glazing Max and Gizmo.  I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time picking out wardrobe (and skin. fur. etc.) colors for this piece, but that’s how I do it.  Lovin’ that angst!