Posted by on Jun 6, 2009 in Blog | Comments Off on

And another thing…

BTW, the new body of work is for a show coming up in November.  I am a member of Carolina Designer Craftsmen and will be creating a Masterwork.  Haven’t figured it all out yet, but the topic will be the connection between humans and companion animals.  When I plugged in “companion animal,” Chet Baker’s image came up. Not the jazz musician, but his canine namesake, a Boston Terrier owned by Julie and her family (or perhaps he owns them, it’s complicated!).  Hope neither is offended by the search engine results–the four-legged Chet is really part human–has his own language and a better wardrobe than I do.

Funny–growing up in the late 50s-early 60s, lots of people had Bostons but, until last year, I hadn’t seen one in ages.  What’s been great with Julie’s blog is she has photos of Chet from all angles–more than once, I have stopped dog owners to ask if I could photograph the top of their pooch’s head, etc.  That’s the thing about sculpture–it’s 3-D.

Possibilities for the Masterwork include therapy animals, unconditional love, etc.  I think this will be an exciting journey!